Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Synaesthesia and Visualisation of Music Videos.

The definition of Synaesthesia is 'the production of a sense impression relating to one sense or part of the body by stimulation of another sense or part of the body.'

This is how we initially started the lesson. By playing a piece of music and that allowed us to make sense of the song or lyric. Furthermore, allowed another part of the body to carry out how the action/drawing of music would look like. What made sense in our head became sense in our body movement.

We had listened to 'For Our Love' by Josh Records (without any video/lyric videos)...

and while playing it, let the motion of our hand express what came instantly to us. This is what I came up with.

As you can see I started with a purple then a pink and green almost drawing a heart then drawing swirls and random lines. The structure of the drawing is very smooth and 'joint' maybe expressing the 'love' but the small lines in between the swirls maybe showing the rough voice or meaning that he will do just about ANYTHING for his love. That leaves us clueless upon anything he would do i.e. either buy roses and take her out or more serious and life threatening??? In addition, the song is very slow and drags on therefore the lines themselves drag on showing maybe where it is taking him or a metaphor for his life/love. I feel like the different coloured lines have difference in opinions in the relationship. He may say that he is doing everything for love but maybe his 'love' or friends think the opposite or have a different view to what he is doing or capable of.

After the first song, we played another song which was 'Pelican' by The Maccabees and again...

while playing this song, we the let the motion of our hand express what can instantly to us. This is what I came up with.

I started with the straight lines that are purple because it started with a beat and thats what came to mind as the drum beat caught my attention. Then changing colour was in cohesion with the change of the drum beat but still similar and therefore has the same lines but different colours. Then I changed colour to pink for the different beat of the music and the different sound of music which was more of a 'rounded' feel to me than before where there was a straight lined beat. I carried on drawing different shapes but with the same colours because there were different pieces of instruments playing but to the same song. 

This process really showed me the importance and significance of just the music. Also, how the music can make a big impact to your thought processes and emotions. This helped me understand that this is something that most artists go through when they hear a piece of music they like and make a song out their inspiration.

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