Thursday, 26 February 2015

Evaluation: What have you learnt from audience feedback?

There are 4 things that I am going to talk about and that is the process of obtaining the feedback, data I have collected, analysing the data and conclusion.

Process of Obtaining Feedback

I completed a number of ways to collect feedback which was Survey Monkey, asking year 7 and up about their reactions and understanding to the music video, sent an email round the school, sent messages and posted on social media sites (Facebook and Twitter) and verbal feedback from media students – talking to them and asking them about what they think.
Why I did those things?
Firstly, I thought it would be easier to reach the demographic and for the demographic to reach me. Also, for the specific ways of obtaining feedback; for Survey monkey, email and social media sites its really easy for someone to quickly click on a link and type up their responses or reaction to the music video which is easier for audience to access so have more responses and us to analyse.
Having face to face/verbal feedback can help us tell their reactions through their speech or body language and ask follow up questions whereas a questionnaire you cannot do that. That was still very simple whilst got more detailed responses
We also used media students/peers which was helpful because they knew about the topics covered and how to produce a music video. They had gone through the stages and experience themselves. Therefore obtaining feedback from them would we more developed because they could give us certain things that maybe a year 7 couldn't

Data Collected

Data collected is more of the specifics of what the audience came up with.
So with the face to face Asking year 7 and up in classes about their reactions to the music video. There was very mixed opinions. Some people said they really liked it, some said that it wasn't for them because they might not have of liked the music or something like that. These are the responses that stood out compared to the others as they were all so similar.

Year 7 response 11 said that
  • I like the way he played the guitar,
  • I liked the camera angles
  • The camera shakes a little bit
  • Graphic view is flawless
  • It is a bit too repetitive
There are some of the comments that we agreed with but there are some that we didn't think about such as  Year 7 response 14 said

  • I think it was very touching because the title and the song made you excited
  • I think they should improve on the background of the music video
  • It is a bit too fast
When developing or preparing/planning for the music video we did think a lot about the background because we concentrated more on the music video shown rather than showing more of a narrative of the relationship. Also, knowing that someone else is thinking about that, gives us as a producer a thought about what to do next.

There were also positive responses by Year 7 response 15  and 20 said

  • I think that is flows well
  • Looks amazing
  • Like the setting
  • Lyrics are catchy
  • Quite unique
  • Video could be a bit more interesting
  • Would make people listen and watch over it again
This just showed that we did a put few things that the target market wanted and liked. There were a few more constructive feedback responses such as Year 7 response 19 said

  • Found it boring
  • I liked it was filmed in a field
  • Overall ok
  • Not amazing
  • Didn't catch my attention
There are these types of responses that might not have helped us to understand a lot about the music video. This next response was also really helpful from a year 10, response 10 said
  • Very well done
  • Good Quality
  • Acting was a bit awkward when the boy and girl were holding hands, it didn't look natural
We didn't think about telling them because we had to get through all the shots we needed to get through.

Another form of data collection was Survey Monkey. It had similar responses to verbal feedback. I picked (again) the most relevant ones. The first one had said….

There are a few of these that said
  • they didn't like the close-ups face shots of his mouth
  • they said there needed to be more wider shots.
This may be because the setting seemed more appropriate or like it more. Another responce is

There were these types of feedback to show what we should do next or should have of done. Maybe because they didn't think the 2 people in the song fit together well or they didn't understand the story.

So the response was really similar to the first few verbal responses.
We has 6 main questions which are shown below:

With the sent messages on Facebook and Twitter or posting it on those social media websites, not only did we reach our targeted demographic (ages 14 - 25) but also people other than them. We had more positive feedback, which is great but because they are our families and friends that are responding, they are more reluctant to give us criticisms compares to someone we didn't know. Overall, they were very happy with our music video.

Media students responses were very similar too. For example, they also said, there were wobbly/static shot. But instead they suggested to us to use a steady cam to make the film smoother.

Analyse the data

I first thought about what the feedback tells you about the product. I came up with it being successful as well as non-successful.

It was successful because it reached the people who we wanted it to reach so we marketed it well because most of the people who had been responded especially were mostly under 18 and females. It was perceived in the way we wanted it to (i.e. romance was seen between the two people and him singing about the memories he has) because most of the audience knew what it was about and they did like it. Yes, they had criticisms but it still reached those people. Also, I think the audiences for local artist are kind of particular about what they expect from a music video because they know them compared to national or worldwide artists which don’t care as much what they see. Also, there weren’t a lot of comments about improvement or it was the same thing to improve so our product was successful

It was unsuccessful because some of our audience didn’t like the music video and that was something we were concerned about especially as we wanted to produce the music video for that audience and we had asked people of that demographic what they would like to see. Knowing they didn’t like it with those particular things in the music video. Also, the things that they mentioned in the feedback such as close-ups etc… You can see what they would have of liked because it is a conventional ideas/concepts.

Analysing the audience which was important to mention because although we have feedback, it may be the audience target that we picked that wasn’t right. We have our target demographic which was ages 14 – 25 and the audience of Gianluca which we thought would be similar. We mainly wanted females because stereotypically they like romance. 

We thought that at those ages there are definitely dislikes and likes.  We thought that their likes were mostly popular, mainstream music that kind of has a beat to it which Capital FM provides. Also, at that age they are more interested in current celebrities like Ellie Goulding because it conforms to the music they like. There is this contrast as well because they also like very different music away from these popular bands such as calm and folk music Ed Sheeran when they first started out but he became popular through his songs. But it was the contrast between what type of music that was out there and him, that made his music so popular. 
With that age ranges dislikes; it is very complicated because everyone likes different things so it’s hard to understand their dislikes. 

Expectations for music videos. Between that age ranges they want a feel good beat or calm R ‘n’ B song or a beat to keep them going. Also, anything that sparks inspiration or romance.  


When referring to question ‘What have you learnt from Audience Feedback?’

I think I have learnt a lot and especially the difference between local artist, directors (producers) and the audience because there are a wide variety of opinions you want to include in a music video to make it the next big thing for that artist. Also, when editing the music video we disregarded comments from media students throughout because we didn’t agree with them. Although, what we didn’t take under consideration is that they are our audience too. They are people that are watching our music video, not at the final stage but throughout the whole planning and editing which we now see the importance because there were repetitive ideas that were said in the feedback that was also said by our friends/media students. I feel like I learnt a lot about applying to large audience difficult. Specify the specific audience you want to appeal to especially when it comes to a local artist.

What I would do differently?

I think I would definitely consider learning how to work with a steady cam and consider all factors that has been discussed here carefully when planning so the next project would be better.

Saturday, 21 February 2015

Evaluation : How effective is the combination of main products and ancillary tasks?

This is our evaluation for our third question set and we decided to put this on a recording and upload it onto soundcloud.

Monday, 16 February 2015

Evaluation : How did you use new technologies in the constructions, research, planning and construction stages?

This is the second evaluation question that we did through using cameras. Unfortunately, we could not put both evaluation videos together as Youtube wouldn't let us so we put the evaluation into 2 parts.